Iron Man

ManBlack Man: TutorialNational Guitar AcademyIron Man - Main Riff Tab Notes:This can be pretty tricky once you get to the 10th and 9th fret. Those changes are quick! This is great practice for developing your picking speed.

Come As You Are

As You As You Are: TutorialNational Guitar AcademyCome As You Are - Main Riff Tab Notes:The tricky aspect of this riff is playing the 2nd fret then going to the open A string. Consider practicing just that part as it will increase your fluidity.

Beat It

ItMichael It: TutorialNational Guitar AcademyBeat It - Main Riff Tab Notes:Practice it SLOWLY. Get it right. Gradually increase the speed. Practicing slowly and correctly is the best way to build muscle memory.The tricky part with this riff is jumping from the A string to the G string, as you have to skip over the D string. Look at the strings while making this change.Practice playing the A string then go to the G string. This helps you get used...